Gujjar History
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3.1 Chapotkats or Chap or Chawda Dynasty of Malva
Yasodharman was from Aulikara family which ruled malwa since 4th century, first as independent rulers and later as feudatories of Guptas.
One of the greatest Indian Kings “The Mighty Yashodharman Vikramaditya” was a Chap Gurjar Ruler of Malva or Ujjain or Avanti. His capital was at Mandsaur or Dasapura.
He ruled Malva as feudatory to Gupta Kings. This Chap dynasty later served as the feudatories to Maitriks of Vallabhi.
The Famous poet Kalidasa was in his court. (and not in the court of Chandragupta-2.) Some scholars claim that the Vikramaditya of Kalidasa was this Yashodharman only.
The name "Gujardesa" was founded by Yashodharman in 480 AD (Earlier it was Gujarat), he was Chap by clan as written at pillar inscription at Vasantgarh. According to the pillar inscriptions of Mandsaur and in Nalanda, He was mentioned as the founder of Gurjardesh. He took the title of Narpati Gurjar after defeating the Huna king MihirGul in 528 AD. King NarasimhaGupta “Baladitya” of Magadha helped him in defeating the White Huns under MihirGul, who fled to Kashmir and began his rule there (where he died in 542 AD). In this decisive fight all the ‘White Huna’ chiefs were slaughtered and the army left was assimilated into Gurjars. It erased the ‘White Huna’ rule permanently from the Indian scenario.
Note: The ‘White Huna’ King Tomaran (father of MihirGul) was defeated and perhaps killed by Bhanugupta of the Gupta Dynasty in 510 AD. |
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